Motivational Quote of the Week

"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up."

Vince Lombardi

Another Week, Another Pound (Amy)

The scales revealed one more pound lost for me this week, with a total of 19 lbs in two months. A pound a week for an entire year is 56 pounds! Therefore, when January 2010 rolls around, I will have 14 lbs to go to reach my goal of 70 lbs. Since Emma is breastfeeding a little less, I am going to decrease my daily points from 33 to 30 this week, and see if I can increase the weight loss to 2 lbs/week.

Hubby Luv did not have a pleasant weigh-in this morning,having moved the needle one more ticker to the right--another one pound gain. But he is back on it this week, drinking plenty of water and being conscious of what goes in his mouth. If he were a woman he could blame it on bloating or some other sort of female malady, but I'm not sure what bodily functions men can use to blame :0).

Until next week...happy fat burning!!

Oh, almost forgot--my "inspirational" quote of the week:
"Only in America do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a diet coke."
~Mike Anderson

Per Request (Amy)

Well, I've not blogged about my weight loss lately because....well, there just doesn't seem to be much to report. As of last week, I am maintaining at 18 lbs. Will tomorrow morning reveal any new results? I'm not counting on it.
We were in revival last week, which means we came home late and hungry every night. One night, John grilled us some chicken shishkabobs (sp?) at 10:00 p.m.(!)composed of yellow and red bell pepper and a specialty yogurt chicken sauce he concocted. It was yum. Very low in points, but not consumed at the optimum time of metabolic rate. I walked ONCE last week because I just did not have the drive or the time. Regardless, I am pleased to find that my clothes are looser, and some garments that were OUT of the QUESTION I can now wear. I guess that's progress.
This week is a new week, and we are going to try to be strong even though we are having a get-together here Friday night and I am cooking 3 cheese lasagna, garlic toast, corn on the cob, salad, and a cherry stack cake. I guess I can just eat salad and corn on the cob? Maybe a small spoonful of lasagna after I've consumed salad and corn on the cob. Yes, that would be the smart thing to do. Have a PLAN. Keep your fingers crossed!

Week 10 (John)

Ok, Ok, Ok

The moment you have been waiting for. I gained 2 lbs this week. Out of no where they just jumped on board. Not sure where they mysteriously appeared from, however, I am sure it was not Cliff's fried chicken, or the pinch of corn dog that I snagged off of Elijah's feast, or the Lemon pepper grilled fish from Cracker Barrel.

Oh, how the moment of weakness can come back to bite you. Not sure how Amy's results are this week. She mentioned it to me as I was walking out the door. I think it was good or at least maybe she maintained. If positive I am sure she will be around to let you know.

Week 9 (John) 1-0

Another week another POUND! I think it is absolutely terrible that I have been 2 weeks and only lost One pound. Over the past week I began running/jogging and thought for sure that would assist me in the extra poundage.

Amy lost nothing this week, but gained nothing either. She has been sick with a cold and not very active outside of the normal duties of a SAHM (Please no man hating comments over that one).

We have been so busy over the past week going to Camp meetings and doing random stuff here and there. We have not been real consistent with eating healthy (if you have been to a campmeeting you know that can be difficult).

This week is a new week though, and to quote Vince Lombardi, Its not whether you are knocked down, its whether you get up. We are getting up and going forward. Next week hopefully we will see better results, but if not we will not let it stop us from trying to live a healthier life.

Week 8 (John)

No success to really blog about this week... Amy lost another pound... and I, well, nothing. I guess I am holding my ground so far but if this continues I am sure there could be some mental setbacks.

Is this the plateau for me? You know that sticking point that you have experienced all too many times. The place where you stop because nothing is happening. The place where you give up because all your efforts seem to be in vain.

I certainly hope not. I have started a small run/walk (ie. Jogging) program. I am trying to build up for a 5K. Yesterday I did a mile in a little over 12 minutes. I was very pleased with that effort as I dont think I have ran since living in Ft. Worth (almost 1-1/2 years ago). I hope this will give my body a little boost, maybe up the metabolism a little bit. I certainly need too see some results if I am going to be at 235 by the end of the year.

Any Suggestions from the readers?

