Motivational Quote of the Week
"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up."
A Healthy Start
This year we started a garden to make a healthy start on dieting.
So I decided to show it off a little. All my life I have been around family who planted a garden and it was always somewhere in the neighborhood of 1-10 acres being planted. We might have all peas, possibly all watermelons, or just a mix of everything, you never really knew what was going to be planted.
So when I planted the small patch in the back yard I thought it was just that - small.
My neighbor however informed me today that I had a big garden, it was over 2x the size of hers. I suppose that is relative but nonetheless. Hopefully there will be some fruit of the labors to show at some point.
I did not set out to grow grass but hey it come up free! This pic was taken prior to me doing a little weeding
Summer Goals
Goal #1. Blog more
Goal #2. Lose 25 lbs by new school year
Goal #3. 5 pullups, 5 chinups, 100 pushups, 3 mile run
Its time to look toward summer. My wife has challenged me to 30 days of exercise (excluding weekends). My reward for 30 days without fail will be no yard duties for a whole month ( i hope that includes the weed eating!). Her reward will be a day to herself, no kids, no hubby, no housecleaning. She is already looking forward to a day off!
Pictures coming soon!
Goal #2. Lose 25 lbs by new school year
Goal #3. 5 pullups, 5 chinups, 100 pushups, 3 mile run
Its time to look toward summer. My wife has challenged me to 30 days of exercise (excluding weekends). My reward for 30 days without fail will be no yard duties for a whole month ( i hope that includes the weed eating!). Her reward will be a day to herself, no kids, no hubby, no housecleaning. She is already looking forward to a day off!
Pictures coming soon!
It's Alive!!

Our blog, that's been dead for awhile, but is slowly coming back to life. Kind of like our, we haven't abandoned our diet, just been making some transitions.
These transitions do not appear to be producing a lot of weight loss--let me explain. We are moving toward a meat-free, mainly fresh fruits and veggies kind of diet. Yesterday, I ate my first piece of chicken in two weeks! It was good, but not THAT good. I really do not miss meat all that much. I find I fill up on fruits and veggies and am just as satisfied. As a result of this transition, we have not been writing down what we eat or keeping up with "points" or calories. I think this is where we are falling off the wagon. This week, we are going to start back.
We went out to eat this weekend to the place where they grow the olives. Funny, the only olives I've ever eaten there were a few that found their way into the fresh garden salad. Anyway, John was good--he ordered the salad and feasted on a few stuffed mushrooms. I, on the other hand, could not resist ordering a bowl of fettuccine alfredo. Meatless, yes...loaded with calories, yes....resulting in an abundance of heart burn, yes. Worth As I ate the salad served beforehand, I thought, wow, this is awesome...why did I order pasta? But I ate it anyway. Note to self: next time, eat the salad!!
Major Goal

If the scale is right I have hit the 40 lb mark!
This was a major goal of mine, of which I said I was going to celebrate with ribs. I have been desiring some good smoked ribs. I have had my eyes set on a rack at the local store and have just been waiting the moment to celebrate. Oh how I can taste them now!
But at this moment I am torn. I would like them but I realize that would not be the wisest choice a dieter could make. Also not the healthiest choice I could make either. So what shall I do for a celebration? Any ideas?
Maybe I should start by setting another goal.
Weeks... Months... ?
Well, Our weeks have now turned into months and I think we have gotten a little behind on keeping up with the weeks so it might behoove us to move on to better titles here.
I think we will still try to post every week with our results to keep you informed as well as give us some sort of accountability. You guys seem to like see the good and the bad that has come of it.
This week I am not sure what has or is happening. I got on the scales and I was back to what I thought to be 274 lbs., which would be a 2-3 lbs loss from the gain. Then I got down on the floor to make sure my eyes had not deceived me and counted those oh so tiny ticks between the numbers and low and behold it was not on 275 but 270!!! Have my eyes betrayed me for so many weeks or did I actually have a breakthrough this week, stepping down from my plateau?
Though I am not sure exactly what has happened or what was going on I think for motivational reasons I will say that I have broke through the plateau. If another comes that will be fine as I see persistence pays off. It is hard to keep that mindset in the middle of a fight that sometimes seems you are losing but when you accomplish a victory you always have something to look back on.
I think we will still try to post every week with our results to keep you informed as well as give us some sort of accountability. You guys seem to like see the good and the bad that has come of it.
This week I am not sure what has or is happening. I got on the scales and I was back to what I thought to be 274 lbs., which would be a 2-3 lbs loss from the gain. Then I got down on the floor to make sure my eyes had not deceived me and counted those oh so tiny ticks between the numbers and low and behold it was not on 275 but 270!!! Have my eyes betrayed me for so many weeks or did I actually have a breakthrough this week, stepping down from my plateau?
Though I am not sure exactly what has happened or what was going on I think for motivational reasons I will say that I have broke through the plateau. If another comes that will be fine as I see persistence pays off. It is hard to keep that mindset in the middle of a fight that sometimes seems you are losing but when you accomplish a victory you always have something to look back on.
Another Week, Another Pound (Amy)
The scales revealed one more pound lost for me this week, with a total of 19 lbs in two months. A pound a week for an entire year is 56 pounds! Therefore, when January 2010 rolls around, I will have 14 lbs to go to reach my goal of 70 lbs. Since Emma is breastfeeding a little less, I am going to decrease my daily points from 33 to 30 this week, and see if I can increase the weight loss to 2 lbs/week.
Hubby Luv did not have a pleasant weigh-in this morning,having moved the needle one more ticker to the right--another one pound gain. But he is back on it this week, drinking plenty of water and being conscious of what goes in his mouth. If he were a woman he could blame it on bloating or some other sort of female malady, but I'm not sure what bodily functions men can use to blame :0).
Until next week...happy fat burning!!
Oh, almost forgot--my "inspirational" quote of the week:
"Only in America do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a diet coke."
~Mike Anderson
Hubby Luv did not have a pleasant weigh-in this morning,having moved the needle one more ticker to the right--another one pound gain. But he is back on it this week, drinking plenty of water and being conscious of what goes in his mouth. If he were a woman he could blame it on bloating or some other sort of female malady, but I'm not sure what bodily functions men can use to blame :0).
Until next week...happy fat burning!!
Oh, almost forgot--my "inspirational" quote of the week:
"Only in America do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a diet coke."
~Mike Anderson
Per Request (Amy)
Well, I've not blogged about my weight loss lately because....well, there just doesn't seem to be much to report. As of last week, I am maintaining at 18 lbs. Will tomorrow morning reveal any new results? I'm not counting on it.
We were in revival last week, which means we came home late and hungry every night. One night, John grilled us some chicken shishkabobs (sp?) at 10:00 p.m.(!)composed of yellow and red bell pepper and a specialty yogurt chicken sauce he concocted. It was yum. Very low in points, but not consumed at the optimum time of metabolic rate. I walked ONCE last week because I just did not have the drive or the time. Regardless, I am pleased to find that my clothes are looser, and some garments that were OUT of the QUESTION I can now wear. I guess that's progress.
This week is a new week, and we are going to try to be strong even though we are having a get-together here Friday night and I am cooking 3 cheese lasagna, garlic toast, corn on the cob, salad, and a cherry stack cake. I guess I can just eat salad and corn on the cob? Maybe a small spoonful of lasagna after I've consumed salad and corn on the cob. Yes, that would be the smart thing to do. Have a PLAN. Keep your fingers crossed!
We were in revival last week, which means we came home late and hungry every night. One night, John grilled us some chicken shishkabobs (sp?) at 10:00 p.m.(!)composed of yellow and red bell pepper and a specialty yogurt chicken sauce he concocted. It was yum. Very low in points, but not consumed at the optimum time of metabolic rate. I walked ONCE last week because I just did not have the drive or the time. Regardless, I am pleased to find that my clothes are looser, and some garments that were OUT of the QUESTION I can now wear. I guess that's progress.
This week is a new week, and we are going to try to be strong even though we are having a get-together here Friday night and I am cooking 3 cheese lasagna, garlic toast, corn on the cob, salad, and a cherry stack cake. I guess I can just eat salad and corn on the cob? Maybe a small spoonful of lasagna after I've consumed salad and corn on the cob. Yes, that would be the smart thing to do. Have a PLAN. Keep your fingers crossed!
Week 10 (John)
Ok, Ok, Ok
The moment you have been waiting for. I gained 2 lbs this week. Out of no where they just jumped on board. Not sure where they mysteriously appeared from, however, I am sure it was not Cliff's fried chicken, or the pinch of corn dog that I snagged off of Elijah's feast, or the Lemon pepper grilled fish from Cracker Barrel.
Oh, how the moment of weakness can come back to bite you. Not sure how Amy's results are this week. She mentioned it to me as I was walking out the door. I think it was good or at least maybe she maintained. If positive I am sure she will be around to let you know.
The moment you have been waiting for. I gained 2 lbs this week. Out of no where they just jumped on board. Not sure where they mysteriously appeared from, however, I am sure it was not Cliff's fried chicken, or the pinch of corn dog that I snagged off of Elijah's feast, or the Lemon pepper grilled fish from Cracker Barrel.
Oh, how the moment of weakness can come back to bite you. Not sure how Amy's results are this week. She mentioned it to me as I was walking out the door. I think it was good or at least maybe she maintained. If positive I am sure she will be around to let you know.
Week 9 (John) 1-0
Another week another POUND! I think it is absolutely terrible that I have been 2 weeks and only lost One pound. Over the past week I began running/jogging and thought for sure that would assist me in the extra poundage.
Amy lost nothing this week, but gained nothing either. She has been sick with a cold and not very active outside of the normal duties of a SAHM (Please no man hating comments over that one).
We have been so busy over the past week going to Camp meetings and doing random stuff here and there. We have not been real consistent with eating healthy (if you have been to a campmeeting you know that can be difficult).
This week is a new week though, and to quote Vince Lombardi, Its not whether you are knocked down, its whether you get up. We are getting up and going forward. Next week hopefully we will see better results, but if not we will not let it stop us from trying to live a healthier life.
Amy lost nothing this week, but gained nothing either. She has been sick with a cold and not very active outside of the normal duties of a SAHM (Please no man hating comments over that one).
We have been so busy over the past week going to Camp meetings and doing random stuff here and there. We have not been real consistent with eating healthy (if you have been to a campmeeting you know that can be difficult).
This week is a new week though, and to quote Vince Lombardi, Its not whether you are knocked down, its whether you get up. We are getting up and going forward. Next week hopefully we will see better results, but if not we will not let it stop us from trying to live a healthier life.
Week 8 (John)
No success to really blog about this week... Amy lost another pound... and I, well, nothing. I guess I am holding my ground so far but if this continues I am sure there could be some mental setbacks.
Is this the plateau for me? You know that sticking point that you have experienced all too many times. The place where you stop because nothing is happening. The place where you give up because all your efforts seem to be in vain.
I certainly hope not. I have started a small run/walk (ie. Jogging) program. I am trying to build up for a 5K. Yesterday I did a mile in a little over 12 minutes. I was very pleased with that effort as I dont think I have ran since living in Ft. Worth (almost 1-1/2 years ago). I hope this will give my body a little boost, maybe up the metabolism a little bit. I certainly need too see some results if I am going to be at 235 by the end of the year.
Any Suggestions from the readers?
Is this the plateau for me? You know that sticking point that you have experienced all too many times. The place where you stop because nothing is happening. The place where you give up because all your efforts seem to be in vain.
I certainly hope not. I have started a small run/walk (ie. Jogging) program. I am trying to build up for a 5K. Yesterday I did a mile in a little over 12 minutes. I was very pleased with that effort as I dont think I have ran since living in Ft. Worth (almost 1-1/2 years ago). I hope this will give my body a little boost, maybe up the metabolism a little bit. I certainly need too see some results if I am going to be at 235 by the end of the year.
Any Suggestions from the readers?
Week 7 (John)
Technically she is not sitting, she has begun a walking routine that she hopes will promote her weightloss. I think I will try to keep up with her but not too sure about the power-walking, side-steping, hand-clapping, toe-touching routines that she manages.
I did however reach another goal this past week that I had set when beginning to lose weight. 50 push-ups! I know this may not seem like a lot to some people but at 310 lbs and out of shape I could barely crank out 10. Thus I employed my son to assist me in increasing my output. I would do 10 for 1 week and then I would let him sit on my back or shoulders really and add a little weight for a few days. When I would do them after that it seemed easy to increase my reps so I added 5 more each time we did that. Really I am shocked that after about 6 weeks I went from 10 to 50. I actually did 4 sets of 25 the other night. I am not desiring to increase beyond that point but rather maintain that ability. My next goal is pullups/chinups - I hope to knock out 10 of each, which is astronomical when I cant even do 1 at this point.
Week 6 (John)
Back again and no, there will be no more poetry today... It was interesting though to see those who are reading this here blog and keeping up with our success(especially those complimenting our poetry, no its not original). This last week was far from our best week on the weightloss side.
Amy, however did manage to one up me this week. She had a weightloss of around 1.5 lbs... The scale was half way in between and leaning heavy towards the other side. I losing "O" cant let her have the whole 2 lbs since technically it wasnt all the way over to the line.
This does not really surprise me though as we were invited over to a friends house to eat and upon their request we provided a cheesecake for desert. We indulged on homemade salsa and chips, tacos, tostados, & burritos. I guess you could say our diet was on somewhat of a siesta. That was followed by a runaway trip to grandmas house who insisted that we have spaghetti and meatballs before leaving. Which was followed by a very big Sunday dinner at church.
Just goes to show you can do good all week and then fall short on the weekend binge. I would say that this will probably not be the norm of our dieting and we will have to certainly learn to say NO to some of those offers for those delightful foods that we once entertained or devoured. (We learned the hardway after the mexican delights - If you know what I mean!)
We look forward to next weeks numbers, hopefully a little larger spread from the ZERO.
Amy, however did manage to one up me this week. She had a weightloss of around 1.5 lbs... The scale was half way in between and leaning heavy towards the other side. I losing "O" cant let her have the whole 2 lbs since technically it wasnt all the way over to the line.
This does not really surprise me though as we were invited over to a friends house to eat and upon their request we provided a cheesecake for desert. We indulged on homemade salsa and chips, tacos, tostados, & burritos. I guess you could say our diet was on somewhat of a siesta. That was followed by a runaway trip to grandmas house who insisted that we have spaghetti and meatballs before leaving. Which was followed by a very big Sunday dinner at church.
Just goes to show you can do good all week and then fall short on the weekend binge. I would say that this will probably not be the norm of our dieting and we will have to certainly learn to say NO to some of those offers for those delightful foods that we once entertained or devoured. (We learned the hardway after the mexican delights - If you know what I mean!)
We look forward to next weeks numbers, hopefully a little larger spread from the ZERO.
Don’t Quit
When you eat too much and you don’t write it down
And you feel like the biggest failure in town
When you want to give up just because you gave in
And forget all about being healthy and thin
So what? You went over your points a bit
It’s your next move that counts, so don’t quit
It’s a moment of truth, it’s an attitude change
It’s learning the skills to get back in your range
It’s telling yourself, you’ve done great up till now
You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow
To stumble and fall is not a disgrace
If you summon the will to get back in the race
But often the strugglers when losing their grip
Just throw in the towel and continue to slip
And learn too late when the damage is done
That the race wasn’t over they still could have won
Making these changes can be awkward and slow
But facing each challenge will help you to grow
When you’re pushed to the brink just refuse to submit
If you bite it, you write it, but don’t you ever quit!
And you feel like the biggest failure in town
When you want to give up just because you gave in
And forget all about being healthy and thin
So what? You went over your points a bit
It’s your next move that counts, so don’t quit
It’s a moment of truth, it’s an attitude change
It’s learning the skills to get back in your range
It’s telling yourself, you’ve done great up till now
You can take on this challenge and beat it somehow
To stumble and fall is not a disgrace
If you summon the will to get back in the race
But often the strugglers when losing their grip
Just throw in the towel and continue to slip
And learn too late when the damage is done
That the race wasn’t over they still could have won
Making these changes can be awkward and slow
But facing each challenge will help you to grow
When you’re pushed to the brink just refuse to submit
If you bite it, you write it, but don’t you ever quit!
Week 5 (Amy)
I can think of a few things that get me REALLY excited! Going shopping (rare), going home to Alabama (about once every 2 months), going on vacation (drawing a blank), or losing weight. And this week, I am VERY excited because I. Lost. FOUR. lbs!! With a total weight loss of 15 lbs! Yeah!! Go me!
My clothes are getting a little looser, but I am ready for them to be TOO big. It's not happening YET...maybe after 15 more lbs? Here is my week 5 photo, taken Sunday morning:
So here's me, 15 lbs lighter than on Jan 1, and John Michael, 30 lbs lighter than on Jan 1. We've still got a ways to go, but we're gonna make it, gonna make it, gonna make it........

My clothes are getting a little looser, but I am ready for them to be TOO big. It's not happening YET...maybe after 15 more lbs? Here is my week 5 photo, taken Sunday morning:
So here's me, 15 lbs lighter than on Jan 1, and John Michael, 30 lbs lighter than on Jan 1. We've still got a ways to go, but we're gonna make it, gonna make it, gonna make it........
30 lbs.!!!! (Week 5)
WOW! I have hit my 30 lb. goal today. I would have never thought it would come so fast. My thoughts were originally for the end of March. I am not complaining though. I am glad that it is gone.
Amy has lost 15 lbs. so far which is great! We are proud of our accomplishments and can’t wait to see how much further our efforts will be rewarded.
We are working off the Weightwatcher's plan which has proven to be beneficial to us in the past.
We are, however, trying to modify our long term eating habits. With Weightwatchers you can really still eat the same old foods you just have to moderate the amounts. This is ok if you are looking for some short term results but if you never really change your way of thinking when it comes to eating you will probably find yourself back in the same boat again (or perhaps sinking the boat).
Anyway, we are moving to a more vegetable intense diet with less sugar, salts, and other processed particles. Once you get a lot of that stuff out of your body and move to a smaller amount of food than what you are accustomed too I think you will find that your body will make better use of the veggies. You might even find that you will start liking the things that are good for you, like all those greens! I can already hear Aunt Patsy and all that she has to say...
Losing weight for us is about change, haven't we heard a lot about that here lately with the elections. Our goals are not just about losing a few pounds to get into an outfit or just to look better. Our goals for weight loss involve healthy living for the sake of ourselves, our family and even our church. We want to be around long enough (Lord willing) to see the little ones grow up and to see how the Hand of God works in the building of our new church. We anticipate great things to come both spiritually and physically...
Stick around and keep up with the progress!
Amy has lost 15 lbs. so far which is great! We are proud of our accomplishments and can’t wait to see how much further our efforts will be rewarded.
We are working off the Weightwatcher's plan which has proven to be beneficial to us in the past.
We are, however, trying to modify our long term eating habits. With Weightwatchers you can really still eat the same old foods you just have to moderate the amounts. This is ok if you are looking for some short term results but if you never really change your way of thinking when it comes to eating you will probably find yourself back in the same boat again (or perhaps sinking the boat).
Anyway, we are moving to a more vegetable intense diet with less sugar, salts, and other processed particles. Once you get a lot of that stuff out of your body and move to a smaller amount of food than what you are accustomed too I think you will find that your body will make better use of the veggies. You might even find that you will start liking the things that are good for you, like all those greens! I can already hear Aunt Patsy and all that she has to say...
Losing weight for us is about change, haven't we heard a lot about that here lately with the elections. Our goals are not just about losing a few pounds to get into an outfit or just to look better. Our goals for weight loss involve healthy living for the sake of ourselves, our family and even our church. We want to be around long enough (Lord willing) to see the little ones grow up and to see how the Hand of God works in the building of our new church. We anticipate great things to come both spiritually and physically...
Stick around and keep up with the progress!
Low Cal. Ice cream sandwiches
I am always looking for a sweet snack. This is one that comes in handy and is very easy to make.
2 Graham crackers full
4 Tbs Fat free cool whip
1. Break the graham crackers in half
2. Smooth 2 Tbs cool whip on cracker
3. Combine other cracker to make sandwich
4. Place in freezer for 30 min-1Hr to harden
5. Enjoy!
This great snack is only 4 pts. and definitely has a way of curbing the sweet tooth.
Graham Crackers(2 full crackers): 130 Cal. , 1 G Fiber, 3G Fat
Fatfree Cool Whip(2Tbs): 20 Cal. , 0G Fiber, 0G Fat
2 Graham crackers full
4 Tbs Fat free cool whip
1. Break the graham crackers in half
2. Smooth 2 Tbs cool whip on cracker
3. Combine other cracker to make sandwich
4. Place in freezer for 30 min-1Hr to harden
5. Enjoy!
This great snack is only 4 pts. and definitely has a way of curbing the sweet tooth.
Graham Crackers(2 full crackers): 130 Cal. , 1 G Fiber, 3G Fat
Fatfree Cool Whip(2Tbs): 20 Cal. , 0G Fiber, 0G Fat
Week (4)
Once again, John has had a very successful week of weight loss. He lost another 5 lbs this week, for a total of 25 lbs. It is with little joy that I report my 1 lbs of weight loss for the week. I started walking with Leslie Sansone this week, and I am thinking that was the reason for the 1 lb, since exercise usually causes a big of weight gain initially, because of increase in muscle mass. Hopefully, next week will bring better results. I leave you with another delicious, low-point recipe, although it's probably very high in sodium, being it is totally compiled of canned food. But it is very filling and doesn't take but about a cup to do you.
Dump 'n' Stir Chili
2 cans turkey chili, no beans
2 cans pinto beans, undrained
2 can diced tomatoes with green chilis
1 tbs chili powder
2 tsp minced onion
* I added a lot more seasoning--some garlic powder, paprika, and red pepper flakes and cooked it in the crockpot for a few hours. It's pretty good.
Dump 'n' Stir Chili
2 cans turkey chili, no beans
2 cans pinto beans, undrained
2 can diced tomatoes with green chilis
1 tbs chili powder
2 tsp minced onion
* I added a lot more seasoning--some garlic powder, paprika, and red pepper flakes and cooked it in the crockpot for a few hours. It's pretty good.
Week 3
Things are slowing down a bit. But that's OK. As long as they stay steady we'll be doing good. We each lost 2 lbs this week, bringing us to a total of 30 lbs combined--20 for John and 10 for mua.
We're learning some smart, healthy ways to substitute bad food with good food. For a nice little crunch in your salad or soup (instead of chips), use 1/2 cup of corn chex cereal. 1 point. Or goodness, have 1 cup, or 2. Here's a GREAT recipe we've had twice now, because it's SO good and filling, and only 5 points:
Chicken Veggie Quesadillas
Serves 12 from 6 cups filling
• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 1 large onion, chopped (about 2 cups)
• 2 cups chopped celery (from 4 stalks)
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 cup grated carrots (about 1 large)
• 4 cups cooked chicken, chopped or shredded
• 1 cup packed fresh spinach, chopped roughly
• 4 ounces spicy cheese (such as pepper jack)
• 6 burrito-size flour tortillas
• 3 teaspoons (or less) vegetable oil
Heat a large, deep skillet and add oil. When oil is hot, add onion and celery. Sauté until soft and beginning to brown. Add garlic and carrot and sauté another 1 – 2 minutes.
While vegetables are cooking, prepare chicken and place in a large bowl. Add spinach. Stir in hot vegetables. Add cheese and combine well. (May be prepared ahead to here, then refrigerated.)
Arrange 1 cup filling on half of each tortilla, spreading to the edge. Fold tortilla over filling and flatten firmly with your fingers.
Lightly wipe skillet clean with a paper towel. Heat on medium using 1 teaspoon oil, spread evenly, for every two quesadillas. Two at a time, heat quesadillas through until tortillas are lightly browned but still soft. Halve and serve immediately.
NUTRITION ESTIMATE Per Serving: 239 Cal (35% from Fat); 19g Protein; 9g Tot Fat; 3g Sat Fat; 9g Carb; 4g Fiber; 208mg Sodium; 48mg Cholesterol, Weight Watchers 5 points
Note: I added some fresh mushrooms and sauteed them with the other veggies. Yum.
We're learning some smart, healthy ways to substitute bad food with good food. For a nice little crunch in your salad or soup (instead of chips), use 1/2 cup of corn chex cereal. 1 point. Or goodness, have 1 cup, or 2. Here's a GREAT recipe we've had twice now, because it's SO good and filling, and only 5 points:
Chicken Veggie Quesadillas
Serves 12 from 6 cups filling
• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 1 large onion, chopped (about 2 cups)
• 2 cups chopped celery (from 4 stalks)
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 cup grated carrots (about 1 large)
• 4 cups cooked chicken, chopped or shredded
• 1 cup packed fresh spinach, chopped roughly
• 4 ounces spicy cheese (such as pepper jack)
• 6 burrito-size flour tortillas
• 3 teaspoons (or less) vegetable oil
Heat a large, deep skillet and add oil. When oil is hot, add onion and celery. Sauté until soft and beginning to brown. Add garlic and carrot and sauté another 1 – 2 minutes.
While vegetables are cooking, prepare chicken and place in a large bowl. Add spinach. Stir in hot vegetables. Add cheese and combine well. (May be prepared ahead to here, then refrigerated.)
Arrange 1 cup filling on half of each tortilla, spreading to the edge. Fold tortilla over filling and flatten firmly with your fingers.
Lightly wipe skillet clean with a paper towel. Heat on medium using 1 teaspoon oil, spread evenly, for every two quesadillas. Two at a time, heat quesadillas through until tortillas are lightly browned but still soft. Halve and serve immediately.
NUTRITION ESTIMATE Per Serving: 239 Cal (35% from Fat); 19g Protein; 9g Tot Fat; 3g Sat Fat; 9g Carb; 4g Fiber; 208mg Sodium; 48mg Cholesterol, Weight Watchers 5 points
Note: I added some fresh mushrooms and sauteed them with the other veggies. Yum.
Week 2 Results (Amy)
Today's weigh-in proved to be a little bit more encouraging than last Tuesday's. I lost a total of....(drumroll please)....8 lbs!! John's loss = 7 lbs! Didn't I mention something about losing more than him this week? Hehe. Nah, it's all good. He has lost a total of 18 lbs in two weeks. Now that is amazing!
There was a reason why I was not losing that first week. I was only drinking 48 oz of water instead of 64. My math was a little skewed, and yes, I'm a dork. Once I corrected that little error, things started happening. I planned to start using the Leslie Sansone walking video this week, but now that my den is so full there's only a path from the door to the computer, I'll have to put it off until next week. I'm really encouraged and PUMPED! It's happening!
Who will be the biggest loser?....
There was a reason why I was not losing that first week. I was only drinking 48 oz of water instead of 64. My math was a little skewed, and yes, I'm a dork. Once I corrected that little error, things started happening. I planned to start using the Leslie Sansone walking video this week, but now that my den is so full there's only a path from the door to the computer, I'll have to put it off until next week. I'm really encouraged and PUMPED! It's happening!
Who will be the biggest loser?....
Week 2 (John)
We have opened the 2nd week of this weightloss effort and we are moving ahead full steam. Tomorrow we will see the results of last week's efforts. I am looking forward to them somewhat reluctantly on my behalf, but with great anticipation on Amy's part.
Last week I had a great reduction in total body weight(great in my opinion) 11 lbs! Somehow in the back of my mind I have to wonder just how much of that was fluid and how much was actually the bad stuff... Or, does that matter anyway. I was carrying that excess around regardless and it was still making the scales jump haphazardly out of control. Over the last week however I have made a concentrated effort to eat more healthy foods and reduce the overall consumption. We shall see.
Amy seemingly did not show any results as of last week. In my opinion this is not a setback but only a postponement. A setback would have been to gain an unwanted pound. This week she has made some changes in her diet, mainly consisting of drinking more water and not overdoing it on the weekend (Sunday is a big day for us, We eat at the Church). We look forward to seeing some positive results tomorrow and will post them soon.
Last week I had a great reduction in total body weight(great in my opinion) 11 lbs! Somehow in the back of my mind I have to wonder just how much of that was fluid and how much was actually the bad stuff... Or, does that matter anyway. I was carrying that excess around regardless and it was still making the scales jump haphazardly out of control. Over the last week however I have made a concentrated effort to eat more healthy foods and reduce the overall consumption. We shall see.
Amy seemingly did not show any results as of last week. In my opinion this is not a setback but only a postponement. A setback would have been to gain an unwanted pound. This week she has made some changes in her diet, mainly consisting of drinking more water and not overdoing it on the weekend (Sunday is a big day for us, We eat at the Church). We look forward to seeing some positive results tomorrow and will post them soon.
Week 1 (Amy)
We made a pact. And we shook on it. No matter what happens with the other person's weight loss, there would be no animosity between us. We support one another through whatever. So last week, we figured points values, we labeled things. I opened the fridge one morning to find little blue sticky notes stuck to all the containers, telling me how many points per serving. I love it when the hubby means business! I know I will be much more successful at this because we are doing this together.
Then came the downer. Today, Tuesday, is weigh-in day. John's total loss = 11 lbs. ELEVEN POUNDS. In one week! Amy's total weight loss = 0 lbs. Yep. Zilch. Nada. Nuttin'. Whyyyyyyyy? I stuck to my points (except for Sunday, and I've always splurged on Sunday and it never slowed me down). I drank my water. I'm the one who found all these great Weight Watchers recipes and made out the meal plans and bought the groceries and cooked the food!! So I tried not to send any dark looks his way this morning. I really did. But I think a couple snuck out. Slithered into the atmosphere, refusing to be contained. I mean, I expected him to lose more than me, because males generally do lose more than females. But come on!!
Here we are, week 1, and at least one of us is being successful. I'm trying to think positive--next week, look out! I'm gonna lose double what he loses. Not that I'm competing with him, but if I could just lose a few pounds. Just one measly pound? Is that asking too much? It would make it a lot more fun, don't you think?
Then came the downer. Today, Tuesday, is weigh-in day. John's total loss = 11 lbs. ELEVEN POUNDS. In one week! Amy's total weight loss = 0 lbs. Yep. Zilch. Nada. Nuttin'. Whyyyyyyyy? I stuck to my points (except for Sunday, and I've always splurged on Sunday and it never slowed me down). I drank my water. I'm the one who found all these great Weight Watchers recipes and made out the meal plans and bought the groceries and cooked the food!! So I tried not to send any dark looks his way this morning. I really did. But I think a couple snuck out. Slithered into the atmosphere, refusing to be contained. I mean, I expected him to lose more than me, because males generally do lose more than females. But come on!!
Here we are, week 1, and at least one of us is being successful. I'm trying to think positive--next week, look out! I'm gonna lose double what he loses. Not that I'm competing with him, but if I could just lose a few pounds. Just one measly pound? Is that asking too much? It would make it a lot more fun, don't you think?
Our Journey Begins
Its January 2009, and like most we have set out again to lose those unwanted pounds. We know this is probably the resolution of 75% of America and am sure there are countless others doing exactly what we are at this very moment. Why are we special then and what makes our page special, nothing.
However, we realize there are many people out there that are just humming through the web looking at all the fad diets and plans and seeing all those skinny people and saying to themselves "I could never do that" or "I'll never look like that". We are here like many others to prove that it can be done. With the proper determination and setting of goals within the realm of possibility you can lose weight, you can be skinny, you can have your life back.

This is a picture of the way we look now. It is probably not the most revealing picture but it was all that we had at the moment of inspiration. Collectively we are over 500 lbs. (kids not included)!
We are determined to lose the weight that we have gained as we feel that this not only hinders our family but also our work for God.
If you have stumbled upon our page and would like to comment feel free to post. Any word of encouragement will help as we are along this path. We hope that we can be a encouragement to you too as you begin the journey of weight loss.
However, we realize there are many people out there that are just humming through the web looking at all the fad diets and plans and seeing all those skinny people and saying to themselves "I could never do that" or "I'll never look like that". We are here like many others to prove that it can be done. With the proper determination and setting of goals within the realm of possibility you can lose weight, you can be skinny, you can have your life back.

This is a picture of the way we look now. It is probably not the most revealing picture but it was all that we had at the moment of inspiration. Collectively we are over 500 lbs. (kids not included)!
We are determined to lose the weight that we have gained as we feel that this not only hinders our family but also our work for God.
If you have stumbled upon our page and would like to comment feel free to post. Any word of encouragement will help as we are along this path. We hope that we can be a encouragement to you too as you begin the journey of weight loss.
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