However, we realize there are many people out there that are just humming through the web looking at all the fad diets and plans and seeing all those skinny people and saying to themselves "I could never do that" or "I'll never look like that". We are here like many others to prove that it can be done. With the proper determination and setting of goals within the realm of possibility you can lose weight, you can be skinny, you can have your life back.

This is a picture of the way we look now. It is probably not the most revealing picture but it was all that we had at the moment of inspiration. Collectively we are over 500 lbs. (kids not included)!
We are determined to lose the weight that we have gained as we feel that this not only hinders our family but also our work for God.
If you have stumbled upon our page and would like to comment feel free to post. Any word of encouragement will help as we are along this path. We hope that we can be a encouragement to you too as you begin the journey of weight loss.
Here's some encouragement for you. Lose weight or you will die, die, die!!! Good luck(: